Atho is a classical dish that we inherited from Burma. Very simple to make with home made noodles and other easily available ingredients, its an healthy option too. Lets see how to prepare it in an easy way at our own kitchen.
The ingredients here are taken to prepare a dish that serves 2.
- Noodles – 250 grams
- Garlic – 25 cloves
- Salt – 1 tablespoon
- Green chilli – 1
- Egg – 2
- Chilli powder – 2 pinches
- Rice flour – 2 tablespoons
- Bengal Gram – 2 tablespoons
- Tamarind – the size of a lemon
- Onion – 400 grams (6 medium sized onions)
- Turmeric powder – 1/4 tablespoon
- Coriander leaves – few
- Cabbage – 50 grams
Things to be done before we start cooking
- Soak 2 tablespoons of ‘bengal gram’ in water for 5 hours.
- Take tamarind (the size of a lemon) and soak it in water for 10 minutes.
- Boil 2 eggs and keep them aside.
- Peel skin of 1 medium sized onion, chop it to thin and long slices.
- Peel the skin of garlics (20 to 30 cloves)
- Wash the coriander leaves – take a few and cut them into small pieces.
- Cabbage – 50grams, cut them into very small pieces, keep them in a bowl.
Steps to Prepare
1. Take tamarind (the size of a lemon), soak it in 50 ml water, crush it with our fingers to a fine paste. Pour the tamarind and water on a pan that is hot on the burner.
2. Add the below to the pan with tamarind water –
- salt – 2 pinches
- Chilli powder – 2 pinches
Stir well and let the contents boil in low flame for 5 minutes. Turn off the flame and pour the contents to a bowl and keep it aside.
3. Take 2 tablespoons of soaked bengal gram and put it into our mixy jar. (Keep the remaining bengal gram in the same bowl and aside for now).
- Add 1 green chilli to the mixy jar.
- Add 2 cloves of garlic.
- Add salt – 2 pinches.
Grind well to a fine paste by adding a little water. Pour the paste (it should be semi liquid) into a bowl.
4. Add the below 2 items to the bowl containing ‘bengal gram paste’.
- rice flour – 2 tablespoons
- bengal gram – 2 tablespoons (non-grinded one)
- Mix them well and keep the bowl aside for now.
Please note: we soaked 2 tablespoons of bengal gram, after 5 hours it would have become big and will come to 4 tablespoons now.
5. Place a pan on the burner, turn it on. Once the pan gets little warm, put the below into the pan –
- Roasted gram – 2 tablespoons
- Roasted ground nut – 2 tablespoons
Shake the pan a little, for 40 to 60 seconds, the pulses on the pan get hot and fried.
6. Transfer them to a mixy jar, grind them to a fine powder. Transfer the powder to a small bowl.
7. Take red chillies – 10 pieces, put it on the hot pan, shake pan for 60 seconds, then transfer them to a mixy jar and grind them. Put the powdered chilli into another small bowl.
8. Place a pan on the burner, Turn on the flame to high mode. Pour 250 or 300 ml of oil into the pan. Let the oil get hot.
9. Pour half of the ‘bengal gram paste’ prepared in step # 4, into the hot oil. (It will look like a flat vada). Let the vada get fried on one side. Flip it to the other side and let it get fried to brownish colour. Remove it from oil and place it on a plate.
Similarly, pour another half of ‘bengal gram paste’ prepared in step # 4 into the hot oil, fry it to a flat vada, place it on the plate.
10. Heat the oil in pan, put the thinly chopped onions into hot oil to fry. Fry it till reddish brown.
11. Take 20 cloves of garlic, crush them a little using stone or ‘mortal and pestle’. Don’t crush them to a paste. Put them into the hot oil in pan, fry them till brown, then take them out using a steel strainer.
12. Place a 3-litre pan on the burner, Pour in 1.5 litres of water. Turn on the flame. Let the water boil.
13. Put the below into the boiling water –
- Turmeric powder – 1/4 tablespoon
- Salt – 1/4 tablespoon
- Add the noodles (250g)
- Pour oil – 2 tablespoons
Turn the flame to medium mode – in another 5 minutes, the noodles will get cooked.
14. Drain the extra water left in the pan, keep the noodles in pan, let it dry.
15. Take a wide-open bowl and then put the below into it –
- The “roasted gram + ground nut” powder (prepared in step 5 & 6)
- The “Chilli powder” – prepared in step: 7
- Fried onions
- Fried garlic
- Coriander leaves – a few (cut the leaves into smaller pieces)
- Tamarind paste (prepared in step: 2)
- Oil – 2 tablespoons (take oil that we used to fry onions and garlic)
- Salt – 2 pinches (2 pinch means less than ¼ tablespoon)
Mix these all together with a spoon.
16. Take the boiled eggs, with a knife put a cut in the middle of each of the eggs. Take a spoonful of the masala that we prepared in step: 15 and fill it in the middle of each egg. After filling masala, keep the eggs aside.
- let’s break the 2 vada (prepared in step: 9) and add it to the masala bowl (made in step 15).
- Also, add cabbage – 50 grams (cut into smaller pieces)
- Mix all these contents with a spoon.
- Now, add the cooked noodles – again start mixing all the contents well.
That’s all folks, our ‘Burmese Atho’ is ready for 2 persons, don’t forget to take a egg filled with masala.