Moru kulambu as the name suggests is a dish made with butter milk as the main ingredient. We have a lot of pulses like bengal gram, yellow gram and black gram going in as ingredient thus making this dish protein rich. Lets see the steps required to prepare this kulambu in easy steps.
For Bonda Batter
- Black gram – 100g
- Pepper – 1/2 tbsp
- Cumin – 1/2 tbsp
- Salt – 2 pinch
- Curry leaves – few
- Oil – 350 ml
For Paste
- Bengal gram – 1/2 tbsp
- Yellow gram – 1 tbsp
- Coconut – 2 piece
- Ginger – 1 piece (1 inch long)
- Green chilli – 3
- Curry leaves – few
For Gravy
- Oil – 100ml
- Salt – 1/4 tbsp
- Cumin – 1/4 tbsp
- Mustard seed – 1/4 tbsp
- Turmeric powder – 1/4 tbsp
- Coriander leaves – few
- Curry leaves – few
- Small onion – 20
- Green chilli – 3
- Tomato – 1
- Water – 100ml
- Water – 250ml
- Curd – 250ml
Things to be done before we start cooking
- Take black gram (உளுந்து) – 100 grams. Rinse and wash it with water 2 or 3 times. Then soak it in clean water for 3 hours.
- Wash and then cut the green chillies into small pieces.
- Coconut – take ¼ of a small sized coconut and cut them into small pieces.
- Small onion – 20 pieces, peel the skin.
- Tomato – 1 medium sized, chop into small pieces.
- Water 250 ml, curd – 250 ml, churn them together in our big mixy jar to obtain buttermilk.
Steps to Prepare
1 Take a pan, place it on the burner, turn on the flame to HIGH MODE. Once the pan gets hot, turn the flame to LOW MODE.
2 Start adding the below to the pan –
- Bengal gram – 1/2 tbsp
- Yellow gram – 1 tbsp
- Ginger – 1 piece (1 inch long) (cut into small pieces)
- Green chilli – 3 (cut into small pieces)
Stir gently to fry them for 20 to 30 seconds till the grams turn light brown.
3 Put in the below 2 and then stir for another 20 to 30 seconds –
- Coconut – 1/4 of small coconut (cut into small pieces)
- Curry leaves – 10 leaves
4 Turn off the flame, place this pan aside on the table, let the contents in the pan cool down.
- Once cooled, put the contents from pan into mixy jar, grind them to a fine paste without adding much water.
- Transfer the paste to a small bowl.
Steps 5 to 11 – To make bonda
5 Take the black gram (soaking for past 3 hours) in our mixy jar, grind them to a fine paste without adding water (if needed a little water can be added). Transfer the batter to a bowl.
We try to avoid water – so that we can obtain a ‘medium-hard’ batter with which we can make bonda easily.
6 Take a “mortar pestle” and then add the below and crush them –
- Round pepper – 1/2 tbsp
- Cumin – 1/2 tbsp
7 Then, lets add 10 curry leaves (before adding, cut them into small pieces) to the mortar and pestle and crush together with the already powdered pepper and cumin. The curry leaves will give out juice.
8 Add the contents available in ‘mortar and pestle’ to the “black gram batter”.
- Also add 2 pinches of salt.
- Stir and mix well with a spoon for at least 2 minutes. This mixing will help the air bubbles in the batter to escape and thereby we can obtain fluffy bondas.
9 Place a pan on the burner with flames in HIGH MODE. Pour in oil – 350 ml. Let the oil get hot.
10 Once the oil gets hot, turn the flame to medium flame. Put in batter to make small bonda. Take a little of batter with our fingers and make it into a rough round and put into oil to make bonda.
11 Fry till golden brown. The outer layer will become crispier. Then remove the bonda from oil. Turn off the flame.
Steps 12 to 16 – to make Moor Kulambu
12 Place another pan on the burner with HIGH FLAME. Pour in 100 ml of oil. Let it get little hot.
13 Put in the small onions (20), stir a little, wait till onions turn light brown, then turn the flame to low mode and add the below –
- Cumin – 1/4 tbsp
- Mustard seed – 1/4 tbsp
- Curry leaves – 10 leaves
Stir for 10 to 15 seconds.
14 Let’s add –
- Tomato – 1 (chopped into small)
- Green chilli – 3 (cut into small)
- Paste – obtained in step 4
- Water – 50 ml
- Salt – 1/4 tbsp
- Turmeric powder – 1/4 tbsp
- Coriander leaves – few
Stir and mix well. Turn the flame to HIGH MODE, wait till the contents boil, then bring flame to low mode.
15 Pour in the buttermilk (obtained by churning together 250 ml of water and curd), stir and mix well.
16 Put in the bonda. Make sure to dip all the bondas into the butter milk in pan.
Wait till the contents boil a little, then turn off the flame.
Garnish with few of coriander leaves.
Our moor kulambu is ready to be tasted.