The easiest way to make a tasty meetha khana recipe – let’s see how to prepare meetha khana recipe.
- Basmati rice – ½ kg
- Sugar – 1.250 kg (1 kg and 250 grams)
- Chironji seeds – 50 g (in Tamil it’s called Sara parupu)
- Cashew – 50 g
- Dry grapes – 50 g
- Cucumber seeds – 50 g
- tutti Frutti – 50 g
- Ghee – 100 ml
- Pineapple – 1
- Sugarless milk kova – 250 grams (we can buy “Milky Mist” brand sugarless kova that is available in super markets)
- Colouring agent (Yellow) – a pinch
- Water – 1.5 litres
Things to be done before we start cooking
- Rinse ½ kg of basmati rice softly in clean water.
Repeat it again to clean it fully and then soak it in a bowl with fresh water. Keep it aside. - Cut sugarless milk kova into smaller pieces.
- Cut the pineapple into two – chop one half of the fruit into smaller pieces.
Steps to Prepare
Place a wide mouth vessel on the burner (Prefer a 5-liter vessel, so that we don’t spill while cooking).
Pour 100 gm of ghee into it.
Also pour 1 litre of water along with it.
Put a pinch of artificial colour (Preferably yellow).
Close the vessel with a lid – let the water and contents boil (for 2 minutes) in high flame.
Once the water is boiling, put ½ kg of basmati rice.
Stir gently for 5 seconds.
Close the lid and let contents boil for 30 seconds in high flame.
Once again open the lid, stir gently for 10 seconds.
Then close the lid – turn the flame to low (Simmer).
Let the rice get cooked for approximately 10 to 12 minutes in low flame.
After 10 minutes check if the rice got cooked. Then turn off the burner.
Keep the cooked rice aside.
How to prepare sweet syrup –
(a) Take another pan – keep it on burner – Keep in high flame.
(b) Put 1.250 kg of sugar into it.
(c) Then, add 250 g of sugarless milk kova in it.
(d) Pour 100 ml of water.
(e) Add the chopped pieces of pineapple.
Stir the contents constantly so that milk kova and sugar dissolve.
Wait till the water comes to a boiling point. Our sweet syrup is ready now.
Then turn off the burner.
Now, pour sweet syrup into the vessel that holds cooked rice.
Stir gently so that rice and syrup mixes well.
After the rice and syrup mix and settle well, we need to add the other ingredients on the top (garnish).
Sprinkle – Chironji seeds, Cashew, Dry grapes, Cucumber seeds and Tutti Frutti on the top.
Pour 50ml of ghee to add extra flavor and taste.
That’s all guys, our Meetha Khana is ready to be tasted.